Money Talks Podcast: Episode 5 w/ Ed Ocampo

After a brief hiatus (already?!), the Money Talks Podcast returns as Matt Cage sits down with his friend Ed Ocampo to discuss multiple topics, including perspective and insight on how one feels a few weeks away from joining the military.

Follow Matt Cage on Twitter – @ProudCaucasian
Buy a shirt at his Pro Wrestling Tees store –

PDKU Podcast: Episode 22

On Episode 22 of the #PDKUPodcast, the crew gets serial!! As they discuss serial killers and what may motivate them. The most infamous serial killers and who they were… also the crew discuss the #Vault7 leak that proves the tactics of government agencies that have been deemed a #ConspiracyTheory for years until now!! All that at much more on the #PDKUPodcast!!